Central branding site. Credibility with links to all other sites. Redesign
Attracts NEW real estate investors and flippers who are leads for BRIC, RealProfessionalRealEstate and DweckDeals.
For funding, they go to GetPrivateEquityFunding
We Buy Homes. Inventory source for BRIC, Renegades of Real Estate and RealProfessionalRealEstate.
To be developed - RETS or IDX MLS feed site for general home searchers as well as promoted Investment Properties.
Real estate sources include MLS and private listings from DweckDeals. Also promotes GetPrivateEquityFunding for real estate investors.
Offer private financing for real estate investors referred from RealProfessionalRealEstate, BRIC and Renegades of Real Estate.
Attracts private investors as mortgage sources.
Also highlights inventory from DweckDeals and RealProfessionalRealEstate
Provides leads for GetPrivateEquityFunding, RealPropfessionalRealEstate and DweckDeals.